In the early nineteen fifties, I had the privilege of attending the Kenley Bible School, and I was taught by men who knew God, walked with God, and loved His Word. I am very grateful for the tuition that I received from George Newsholme and Donald Gee, who were in charge of the Bible School while I was there, and for the special insight into the Scriptures that I received from Elisha Thompson and C. L. Parker. C. L. Parker had been a lecturer at Oxford University, and a minister in the Anglican Church. He was involved in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit early in this century in the Anglican Church at Sunderland, and in the Pentecostal movement. He was a fine Christian gentleman and an outstanding theologian and scholar, with a spiritual perception and prophetic insight which is only given to a few people.

I owe an incalculable debt of gratitude to C. L. Parker for the foundation of Christian doctrine that he gave to me. I am particularly thankful for the revelation that he gave to me of the gentle kindness and immense sacrificial love of God for His creation. This revelation of the wonderful character of God has been a continual source of joy, comfort and blessing, both to myself and others. C. L. Parker also inspired me to seek for a powerful manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This booklet is based on C.L. Parker's notes on Romans with considerable additions of my own in some places. The Appendix is my work, but it is based on the thoughts of C.L. Parker. I trust these notes will be as great a blessing and enlightenment to others, as the original teaching and notes of C.L. Parker were to me. W.H. Turner. Dec. 8th. 1998. (I accidentally omitted or erased C. L. Parker's chapter 5 in former editions, so when this was pointed out to me, I added this chapter with sizeable additions of my own. Nov. 23rd. 2002.)

Introduction. The New Testament does not record how the Church in Rome came into being, however, it had undoubtedly been in existence for some considerable time when Paul wrote to them. Paul wrote his epistle to Romans in the Spring of A.D. 58 during his last visit to Corinth, it could have been written from the house of Gaius, where Paul had been a guest for three months in A.D. 54., about four years before. Acts.20v3. Rom.16v23. From Paul's salutations in Rom.16., we can see that Paul had met some of the Church members at Rome in his travels, and knew them well. After his arrest at Jerusalem, later in A.D. 58., Paul is kept in custody for two years at Caesarea by Felix. Acts.24v10,27. In the autumn of A.D. 60, Paul is sent by Festus to Rome by sea, and Luke and Aristarchus accompany him. Acts.27v1. After the events of the storm and shipwreck they winter at Malta, and after three months they set sail on a ship that had also wintered at Malta, and arrive in Rome in the Spring of A.D. 61, three years after writing his epistle to them.

The purpose for this epistle seems to be to prepare the way for a personal visit, which Paul feels was laid upon him by the Lord. Acts.19v21. 23v11. Paul had long desired to go to Rome, but his plans had been hindered and frustrated. It is also very possible that God could have forbidden Paul to go to Rome earlier, for "koluo," in Rom.1v13., is rendered in various translations as "let," "prevented," or "hindered," is used in Acts.16v6. to speak of Paul and his helpers being " forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the Word in Asia." Paul, like the Lord Jesus, was under heavenly orders from God the Father. Acts.16v6,7. with Jn.5v19,30. We also read in Acts.16v7., that the Spirit of Jesus did not permit ("eiasen," the first aorist active of "eao," to allow) Paul and his helpers to go into Bithynia.

The word "koluo," means "to hamper, hinder, prevent, restrain and forbid," it is often translated as "forbid" and "forbidding" in the Authorised Version. "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not." Mk.10v14. Mt.19v14. See also Mk.9v38,39., "and we forbade him, But Jesus said, Forbid him not." Paul tells us in 1Cor.14v39., "forbid not to speak with tongues," and in 1Tim.4v3., he says that forbidding to marry is a doctrine of demons. See 1Thes.2v16., "Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles." The Jews in Luke.23v2. falsely accused Jesus of "Forbidding to give tribute to Caesar." In Luke.11v52. the Lord Jesus accuses the Jewish theologians, "You have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not go in yourselves, and you hindered and prevented those who were entering. Peter says in Acts.11v17., "Who was I that I could withstand, hinder, or forbid God." In Acts.27v43. the soldiers are prevented from killing Paul. ("Koluo" occurs 23 times in the New Testament, 12 of them in Luke's Gospel and Acts.) If God forbids us to do something, let us recognise it, He knows the right time to open doors, it is far better to let Him open them, than to try to force them open ourselves, Paul got into real trouble when he tried to force open a door to the Jews at Jerusalem that the Lord had closed. Acts.22v17-22.

Paul states in Rom.15v20-22., that the pressure of his evangelistic work, and the desire to obtain fruit for Christ elsewhere, had hindered him from visiting the Romans. Paul explains that he preferred to preach the Gospel where Christ's name was not known. "Hindered" in Rom.15v22. is "enekoptomen", the imperfect passive of "enkopto", "to cut in, to cut off, to interrupt, to hinder;" in the papyri it is used of a road being rendered impassable. The use of "enkopto" here suggests the pain he felt in being "cut off" from ministry to the Romans. The use of "enkopto" in Rom.15v22., is in sharp contrast to its use in 1Thes.2v18., where "hindered," "enekopsen," the first aorist active indicative of "enkopto;" is used by Paul to state that Satan had hindered him from visiting the Thessalonians. Paul uses "enkopto" in Gal.5v7., to ask the Galatians who it was who had impeded and hindered their spiritual progress and set them in the wrong direction, by insisting that they should be circumcised. In Gal.5v12., Paul uses "apokopto," "to cut off," to declare that these agitating Judaizers who had insisted on circumcision for these Gentiles should be "cut off." See Acts.27v32. In 1Pet.3v7., Peter uses "enkoptesthai," the present infinitive passive of "enkopto," to warn husbands that their prayers will be permanently cut off and hindered if they don't treat their wives in a correct and thoughtful way.

Paul makes definite plans to go to Rome, after he had taken the funds for the poor to Jerusalem, and from Rome to Spain. Rom.15v24,26,28. Paul sends this epistle to introduce himself to the Christians there, and to clarify his teaching, probably to remove doubts about his ministry from the conflicting reports going through the Church about him. Rom.1v15. 2v16. We can be thankful for this desire, for without it we would have been deprived of Paul's greatest theological treatise. Paul states that his doctrine was not received from men, nor taught him by men, but through revelation directly from the Lord Jesus, even as Jesus got His doctrine from the Father. Gal.1v11,12. Jn.7v15-18. N.B. v16. 14v10. Paul's doctrine is Christ's truth for His Church.


1. Paul's Personal Greetings. 1v1-15.

2. Paul's Doctrine of Sin and Judgement. 1v16 to 3v23.

a. Among the Gentiles. 1v16 to 2v16. b. Among the Jews. 2v17 to 3v23.

3. Paul's Doctrine of Salvation from the Legal Punishment of Sin through Christ Jesus. 3v21 to 5v21. Jn.3v16.

4. Paul's Doctrine of Christians being saved from the Power of Sin by the Law of the Spirit and Life in Christ. 6v1 to 8v11. Jn.8v32-36.

5. Paul's Doctrine of God's Heavenly Family. 8v11-39. Jn.1v11.

6. Paul's Doctrine of God's Earthly Nation. 9v1 to 11v36. Acts.1v6.

7. Practical Details Arising from these Doctrines. 12v1 to 15v13.

8. Paul's Personal Greetings, Remarks and Farewells. 15v14 to 16v27.

Appendix. Paul. The prisoner of Jesus for the Gentiles. Eph.3v1. 4v1. Page 14.


a. Paul's statement of his divine commission to preach God's good news to all nations.

This good news was the fulfilment of the promises made by God through the prophets about His Son, who though essentially and eternally God, became man, and was made of the seed of David according to His flesh, in order to save mankind. Rom.8v3. Phil.2v6,7.

b. Paul's statement of his long frustrated desire to be a blessing to the church at Rome.

As an apostle sent by Christ to the Gentiles, Paul feels a debtor, obligated and favoured to preach the magnificent message God had entrusted to him. Paul desired to impart (metadidomai) something more than the teaching he was giving by letter, he desired to impart and share with them some spiritual gift, "metado charisma umin pneumatikon," in order that they might be strengthened and established in God, through experiencing the strength that God gives through His gifts. "Sterichthenai," is the aorist passive infinitive of "sterizo," "to strengthen," the passive indicates that it is God who will strengthen, and the infinitive with the preposition expresses the purpose. Spiritual gifts operate in the purpose and will of God to strengthen Christians. Woe to those who deny these gifts are for today, who "take away the key of knowledge" and hinder Christians from receiving God's good gifts by their doctrine and practice. In Lk.11v32. our Lord uses the strongest words possible to condemn the blind religious leaders who hide away the keys of truth, and with a vigorous continuous determination obstruct the entry of those who are trying to find a deeper experience of God and His truth, "gnoseos." "Hindered" is "ekolusate," the aorist active of "koluo," to hinder. The wilful permanent opposition to truth is seen by the present participle "tous eiserchomenous," "those who are trying to enter," being used with "ekolusate."


Paul states the two major reasons why the whole adult world is guilty before God, and His anger and judgement is revealed against all sin and unrighteousness. Rom.3v19. 1v18. Mankind can help sinning, and God tells them to repent for their sins. Augustine taught that mankind was born incapable of living righteously, he was probably trying to make up an excuse for the evil life that he lived before he became a Christian. Paul's doctrine directly contradicts this teaching of Augustine, and if we follow this teaching of Augustine we reject the divinely given doctrine of Paul.


Mankind has wilfully suppressed creation's irrefutable testimony to god's eternal power and deity. Adult mankind has been intellectually dishonest and degraded their intelligence. Love of evil has caused mankind to deliberately suppress and deny the knowledge of God, which He has given to everyone through His creation. The determination of mankind to be intellectually dishonest about the existence and character of God has resulted in mankind sinking, stage by stage, into the greatest follies of idolatry and the vilest excesses of immorality, and finally to the approval and applause of the worst kinds of evil and evil doers, even though they know in their hearts of God's certain judgement on this evil.

The minds which love evil and reject logical thinking about God, in the end become almost incapable of correct judgement about spiritual realities, that is they are reprobate. The delicate machinery of the mind and spirit is easily damaged by evil. Phil.4v8. 2Cor.10v5. The tragic choice to intellectually dispose of God, has resulted in God giving people up to their uncleanness, their vile affections, and to a reprobate mind. Rom.1v24,26,28. "Unto a reprobate mind," is "eis adokim noun," they had tested God, like you would a coin, for "dokimizoi" is used of the testing of coins, and had rejected Him and had turned away from Him, "kai kathos ouk edokimason," so God rejected their mental attitudes and gave them over to their intellectual folly. See 2Thess.3v2. "Unreasonable and evil men," men whose minds won't work right and are out of place, "autopon;" "evil," is "poneron," active evil. The mind is a delicate instrument and is easily damaged, but some people deliberately sear their conscience with a red hot iron, to make sure that it does not disturb them. 1Tim.4v2. Phil.4v8. 2Cor.10v5. Those who do violence to their mind and reject and hold down the truth will find that the end of evil is truly terrible, the Lord Jesus warns that love of evil and the reprobate mind result in an eternal gnawing worm of evil within the soul. Mark.9v44,46,48. Majority text. Mk.3v28-30.

Christians can have a mind that rejects truth and becomes reprobate on certain issues, just as the apostles refused to accept the Christ's prophecies about His death and resurrection, and suffered greatly for it. Paul said that false doctrine can eat and spread like gangrene or cancer and can destroy faith, like the false doctrine about the second coming of Christ, which was preached by Hymenaeus, Alexander and Philetus, whose doctrine had not only made shipwreck of their faith, but had also overthrown the faith of other Christians. Paul committed these false teachers for judgement, he delivered them to Satan, so that they might learn not to blaspheme. Though the aim of Paul's discipline was to bring these false teachers to repentance, there is no record that they did repent. 1Tim.1v19,20. 2Tim.2v16-18.

We should love every bit of truth and welcome it, never seeking our own opinion, but always the truth. We must have open hearts and malleable minds, our attitude must not be to prove our argument, but to find out what God says. "Oh send out Thy light and Thy truth; let them lead me: Let them bring me into Thy holy hill." Ps.43v3. Once we reject truth, light cannot come in on that line. Prejudice, is a determination to make the facts fit our prior conclusions, it means to pre-judge, and make up our minds before the evidence is given. If we accept the theology of denominations, churches or preachers in order to be accepted, it can blind us to the truth that God has for us. Peter warns us that we usually have to be delivered from the traditions delivered to us by our spiritual fathers. 1Pet.1v18,19. "Patroparadotos," means "that which is passed on from fathers, or learned by the side of our spiritual fathers." The traditions of the elders often make void the Word and commandment of God. Mt.15v1-9. Mk.7v1-13. Christ is the living truth for the soul, not the traditions of men. Col.2v8,9.


There cannot be a creation of such incredible complexity and beauty without an all-powerful and all-wise Creator. Even a child is known by his works. Prov.20v11. The creation declares God's eternal power and deity. Rom.1v20. Ps.19v1-4. David was awed at God's foreknowledge, and His providential care and love manifested in Creation, he said, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made: wonderful are Thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well." Ps.139v14.


Mankind has desired an object of worship that will allow them to do evil without check or hindrance. This has led to the utter folly of worshipping cows and bulls in India, the ibis and beetles in Egypt, stocks and stones in Africa, demons in China, emperors in Rome, and in our day, political and religious leaders, and stars of films, sport and entertainment. Paul stresses that because men have free will, God is obliged to give them up to evil if they insist on going into it. Rom.1v24,26,28. There are no more terrible words than, "God gave them up."


Conscience is not the voice of God, for as in Paul's case, he thought it was correct to persecute Christians, and his conscience certainly conflicted with God's Law and desires. Acts.26v9. with 23v1. Indeed, Rom.14v5. tells us that people's consciences can vary. Our conscience is formed by the necessity of passing moral judgements. The law of conscience is that law of conduct, which a person expects their neighbour to behave by in relation to them. Every person will be judged by the standard which they lay down for their neighbour. The people who judge and condemn their neighbour can also judge and condemn their own actions, particularly when, as Paul says here, they condemn in others the things that they are doing. Those who expect others to keep the law, and treat others correctly and in love, are expected so to behave. It is worthy of note that mankind expects others to keep, and believes they are able of keeping, the law of conscience and the Law of God. It is a matter of experience that the moral law is forced out of our own hearts by our automatic and natural reaction to the acts of others; it is involuntary and cannot be stopped; for example, the victim of robbery cannot help saying to the thief, "Thou shalt not steal." Most of the ten commandments of God, are the also the involuntary reactions, protestations and commandments of men to those who break the moral law.

The moral law is intended to protect society from wrongdoing. The validity of the moral law rests upon the deepest of natural desires, i.e. to remain in a state of happiness; and obedience to the moral law is the means whereby the happiness joy and peace of society can be preserved. "The work of righteousness is peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance for ever." Is.32v1,17. Peace will reign when the Prince of peace and the other sons of God reign in righteousness. The whole creation groans and waits for the manifestation and righteous rule of the sons of God. Rom.8v19-21. God Himself has ordained that holiness and happiness are the end of life, and He will allow nothing that defiles that purity and happiness to enter His eternal kingdom. Rev.21v3-8,27. The happiness of Heaven will be preserved for ever by the eternal total dedicated love of the inhabitants of that kingdom for each other and God. Only by loving God and his neighbour can a man or a society live happily. God is the only one who can help us to run this complex universe in a way that produces happiness. The chaos and pain in the world is the result of mankind forsaking God and going on their own selfish sinful way.

In other words, the moral law is not an end, but the means, and only means, to the end of a happy life. True happiness, then, springs out of promoting the happiness of others. The fruits of the Spirit, joy and peace, are based on a life lived to promote the welfare and happiness of others. The wicked seek their own happiness regardless of the pain and distress that it may cause others. Selfish and wicked people end up in destroying their own peace and happiness, there is no peace to the wicked.


Paul tells us that the Gentiles, who have not known the Law of God, will be judged by the law of their conscience, their conscience is the standard which they expect others to treat them by, and by which they have judged their neighbour; this standard is plainly revealed by the interplay of their own thoughts about their neighbour and about themselves. Conscience, then, is a razor to shave ourselves with, not to cut our neighbour's throat, as it is so often used to do. Mt.7v1-6. Every time you criticise others, you lay a standard by which you will be judged, and if you do the things that you condemn in others, you will lay yourself open to the righteous judgement of God.


Paul warns the Jews who boasted that they were God's chosen people, to whom God had entrusted the Law of Moses, that they will not be acquitted by the possession of that Law, but only by obedience to it. Paul warns the Jews who used the possession of the Law to point out to the Gentiles their inferiority, that a Gentile who does not know the Law, but though being ignorant of it, he keeps it, is better off than a Jew who knowingly breaks it. Paul states that it is a fact of history that the lives of disobedient Jews have bought dishonour to the name of God. Our Lord condemned the Jews who boasted in the Law of God, but did not keep it, and told them that the Law that they prided themselves in, accused them if they did not keep it. Mt.23v3. Lk.11v42,52. Jn.5v45. Deut.31v26. Likewise the Christian Gospel condemns bad living and disobedient Christians who do not live by its truths. Mt.7v13-29. Jn.13v17. In Galatians, Paul stated that the most valuable thing that the Law could do, was to bring us with humbled broken spirits to Christ to ask for mercy. Gal.2v16 to 3v29. N.B. 2v16. 3v19,24.


Paul strongly asserts, as did also our Lord, that the true advantage of the Jew was not the Law of Moses, which brought condemnation, but the promise given to Abraham which brought justification. Jn.7v19. God's motive in giving the Law of Moses was not to justify Israel, but to make them conscious of sin, so that they would be thankful for a Saviour. The Jews turned what should have been an humbling blessing into a veritable curse by their pride in the possession of the Law. cf. Gal.3v13 to 4v7. As Pentecostal Christians we have to be very careful that we don't follow their example by thinking that we are superior to others, and we have to take heed that we live up to our privileges and humbly thank God for His undeserved kindness to us.


a. The Gentiles are guilty of breaking their own standards, the law of conscience.

b. The Jews are guilty of breaking the Law of God given to Moses.

c. Mankind was not born as unregenerate sinners, but voluntarily went into sin.

Paul quotes several Scriptures from the Old Testament to show that all mankind has individually and collectively departed from God and the truth, and gone into evil. No one has understood and sought out God, instead they have ALL GONE OUT OF THE WAY, and have BECOME unprofitable, and no one does good, no not one. Ps.14v1-3. 53v1-3. Eccles.7v20. Their throat carries the stench of an open tomb, and their tongues are filled with deceit, Ps.5v9.; they bite like asps, Ps.140v3.; and their mouths are filled with cursing and bitterness. Ps.10v7. They run hot-foot to kill, murderers, who wherever they go cause ruin, misery and destruction; and the way of peace they have not known. Is.59v7,8. They care nothing about God, and do not fear or reverence Him. Ps.36v1. Paul concludes his argument by saying that all the world is guilty before God, "For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." v19,22,23.

N.B. Mankind has gone astray, not was born astray.

Augustine wrongly taught that mankind was born astray. In Rom.3v9-23., Paul states that mankind has gone astray, as does Is.53v6.. Paul says in Rom.7v9., that he was born alive to God and went astray when he gave way to temptation, James confirms this theology. James.1v13-15.. Jesus is the light that gives light to every person who comes into the world. Jn.1v9. Jesus said that children's angels always behold the face of God in Heaven, and said, "of such is the kingdom of Heaven." Mt.18v1-5,10. Mk.10v13-16. Children are certainly not bound for Hell as Augustine taught, his main text for this awful doctrine was a incorrect interpretation of Ps.51v5., "Behold, I was shapen, ("chuwl," brought forth in labour) in iniquity, And in sin did my mother conceive me." Augustine's teaching that David was saying that he was born a sinner, is a total perversion of this text, as the whole verse is talking about the morality of David's mother. Was David excusing his sin on the grounds of being born into a sinful environment? Or was there a question about David's parentage? Jesse did not bring David in with the rest of his sons even when Samuel asked for them all to be brought before him, a strange disobedience in the light of the fact that he and all Bethlehem trembled in fear at Samuel's visit to Bethlehem. 1Sam.16v3-5,11-13. The fact that God tells mankind to repent of the evil they have done shows that mankind could have avoided sinning if they had so wished. God does not tell people to repent of things they could not avoid doing. Lk.3v3,8. 24v47-49. Mk.1v5,14. Acts.2v38. 3v19. 17v30,31. 26v20. 2Pet.3v9.

d. The Interval Between God's Sentence and His execution of that Sentence. Rom.2v4-10.

This delay is designed by God to produce repentance and so avert punishment. Man, however, instead of being broken by the mercy and longsuffering of God, has misused this period of space for repentance, to quieten, hold down, and dismiss their fear of the justice and judgement of God. Because sentence upon their evil works is not executed speedily, the hearts of the sons of men is thoroughly set in them to do evil. Eccles.8v11. They deceive themselves that there will be no wages of sin, they sear their consciences with a red hot iron, and continue in sin without any fear or apprehension of divine judgement. Psalm.10v4-11. Is.26v10. Consider Pharaoh, whose heart was hardened more and more by God's miracles, kindness and mercy, until he had no fear of the justice and judgement of God.

e. The day of judgement.

Though delayed, the judgement of God will come, and God's justice will be vindicated. The righteous will be delivered and rewarded; the wicked will be taken and punished. The fearsome words of Rom.2v9., "crushing pressure and torturing confinement, on every soul of man who does evil." "Thlipsis kai stenochoria." "Stenochoria," which is translated as "anguish" in the A.V., literally means "confined space, or torturing confinement," Christ told us that eternal confinement in God's prison is a thing to be feared. Mt.10v28. Lk.12v5. Mk.9v42-48.


a. As a loving Creator,
God's wonderful plans have been continually frustrated by angels and men, who for their own selfish ends were willing to tear both Heaven and Earth to pieces rather than pay regard to God's Law. They defied and hated God because He was just and no respecter of persons, and insisted upon His position being recognised. God's love and justice manifested their unrighteousness, and failing to repent, they could only see and hate God. John.15v22-26.

b. As a just Judge, God is obliged to champion those who suffer injustice, and to avenge those who are wronged. His eyes look continually upon all events in the world, and those who wrong the righteous and oppress the weak will receive the justice and judgement that they deserve. The cries of the afflicted and persecuted continually rise up to His ears. One day God will indeed release His pent up anguish at the suffering of the righteous and innocent, and will deal with and destroy both wicked angels and men in blazing anger and judgement. Is.34v1-8. N.B. v5 "My sword shall be bathed in heaven." Is.42v13-17. 63v1-6. Amos.2v6-16. Rev.6v17. 16v5-7. 19v11-21. 20v1-3. Mt.13v36-43,47-50. 25v41,46. 2Thes.1v4-10. 2v8.

God's anger is not the bad temper of a despot, but the reasoned righteous anger and indignation of a loving judge. It is aroused, not by His own sufferings, but by the sufferings of others. See our Lord's anger at the Scribes and Pharisees. Mt.23v1-39. especially v4,14,23,30,34,35., and His anger and judgement on the wickedness of the Antichrist. Rev.6v17.

In essence there is no difference between God's problem and that of any ruler. Rulers have to preserve the peace and happiness of society, they have to face the opposition of those who would try to defeat this purpose, and in the end they have to liquidate malicious and malignant enemies. God has to confine eternally to Hell those who oppose His loving purposes, for with the selfish unrepentant wicked at large there would only be pain and distress, and happiness would be quite impossible. The only response that God can make to eternal sin is eternal confinement, otherwise happiness would be impossible for rest of creation. Mt.12v31,32. Mk.3v28-30. In Mk.3v29. the correct reading is "eternal judgement," not "eternal sin:" the vast majority of manuscripts read "kriseos," "judgement," which occurs in A, C, K, Pi, the massive Byzantine manuscript evidence, the Lectionaries, the Syrian Peshitta and Harclean and others; whereas the reading of "eternal sin," "hamartematos," only occurs in a small number of manuscripts, Aleph, B, L, Delta, and Theta, 28, 33, and 565.


The wrath and punishment of God mentioned in Rom.2v5-11., spring from His love of the righteous, and His determination to provide eternal happiness for them. The wicked are eternally confined to Hell to prevent them from eternally wrecking the peace and happiness of kingdom of Heaven. The wages of sin is death, because the sinner is too dangerous to be left at large. Since all have sinned, the justice of God would compel Him to judge and execute all sinners, but this would result in the destruction of all mankind and leave the Creation a complete wreck. To leave sinners alive would mean a continuance of the sufferings caused by man's inhumanity to man, to slay them all, would similarly make happiness impossible, so the whole plan of Creation was threatened by sin. God therefore, made the plan of redemption before the foundation of the world, He Himself paying the price of sin for those who repent, the Creator dying for the creature. Unrepentant eternal sin can never be paid for, that demands eternal judgement.

Like the wicked angels, the sinner in the end becomes a total sadist who only finds pleasure in causing pain and suffering to others, and inflicting upon them the most awful depths of sadistic torment, oppression and torture. Hitler's extermination and torture camps show how malign and evil the human heart can become. The only answer to unrepentant evil like this, is eternal confinement in God's totally secure prison, Hell. The torment of Hell is not only caused by the confinement and isolation of everlasting chains of darkness, 1Sam.2v9. 2Pet.2v4,17. Jude.v13., it is caused by the gnawing worm of evil in the soul. The mind that embraces evil is in the end tormented and destroyed by evil. The evil that the wicked embrace, torments, twists and destroys their mind and personality; our Lord said that evil was a ghastly gnawing worm that would devour and torture the soul and mind of the wicked. In Mk.9v44,46,48., "where the gnawing worm dieth not," occurs in all three texts in the Majority Text. God is not thrashing or tormenting the wicked in Hell, for there is no hope of changing the incorrigible wicked; chastening the wicked would do no good, those in Hell love evil so much, and have so hardened their hearts, that it is impossible to bring them to repentance. Heb.6v4-6.

N.B. 3. The Hedonist, who teaches that happiness is the highest good, and the Utilitarian, who makes the basis of moral distinctions in the utility of actions, by their fitness to produce happiness, both say that happiness is the end of life. However, happiness to the Hedonist means pleasure; and to the Utilitarian, it means the seeking of one's own happiness. Pleasure seeking often leads to the worst kind of unhappiness, for example, drunkenness, immorality, and sadism; there are the pleasures of sin all of which spring from selfishness. One of the signs of the last days is that men will be "lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." 2Tim.3v4.

The true pursuit of happiness involves the pursuit of the happiness of others as well as the happiness of oneself. True happiness is a by-product of the love for other people; pursue happiness and it eludes you, pursue the happiness and good of others, and you find real happiness. The pursuit of ones own happiness, makes one indifferent to the happiness of others; the pursuit of other people's happiness brings as a by-product ones own happiness and satisfaction. If everyone seek their own happiness regardless of others, the result is universal misery. God's plan is that everyone will seek other people's happiness, so everyone would have millions of people trying to make you happy, instead of just one person, yourself.

N.B. 4. The Law was given by God to show the way of life to those who desired to know it, and needed it. Rom.7v10-12. Gal.3v12. When once the Law was broken, however, it brought a knowledge of sin and death, Rom.7v12,13., for when a person sinned and was dead in trespasses and sins, the Law could not give him life, or offer him any help. Rom.8v2-4. Gal.3v21. The Law could guide a man who was alive to God, but it could not give life to, or revive, a dead one.

The Jews relied on self-justification through keeping the Law of Moses to obtain salvation and justify themselves, so Jesus tried to get them to believe in Him and rely on the promises of God for justification and to live the life of faith; for those who want to be justified by works must keep the whole Law perfectly, and none have, except Christ Jesus.


1. The Cross of Christ Establishes the Law of God.

Since the moral Law provides the only means whereby people can live in happiness together; those who break it must suffer the penalty of death, since their continued existence threatens the happiness of the whole Creation. Paul answers the questions that spring to the mind from the statement of these facts. How was God able to forgive Old Testament and New Testament sinners and accept them as redeemed saints, instead of executing them as the Law demanded? Ezek.18v4,20. "The soul who sins shall die." Did not forgiveness of the sinner undermine the majesty of the Law, and encourage lawbreakers to hope for immunity and discourage those who look to the Law of God for protection? (Uriah's family had every right to ask how God could forgive David, for his immorality and murder.) Paul's answer, given by revelation personally from Christ, Gal.1v11,12., is, that, before the sinner could be forgiven, the majesty of the Law had to be established, and ITS JUST CLAIMS ACKNOWLEDGED, and the penalty of the broken law paid for; this God did by the public execution of His Son and His imprisonment in Hades as a sinner. Is.53v5-12. v10. "Thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin." v12. "He hath poured out His soul unto death: and He was numbered with the transgressors, and He bare the sin of many." Heb.2v9. "That He by the grace of God should taste death for every man." "Tasting death," meant going to Hades, not just dying on the cross. The Creature could not be forgiven until the Creator had been killed in their place. This cost was counted, accepted and predestined before Creation, so forgiveness was possible in the light of Christ's future atonement. Titus.1v2. Rev.13v8. 17v8. Rom.16v25-27.

Through the death of Christ God proclaimed to both angels and men, the following tremendously important facts.

a. Christ's death proclaims that the wages of sin is death, and no one can escape the consequences of sinning.

b. Christ's death proclaims that the sinner had no possible escape from judgement, unless someone else paid his debt to the Law, as the sinner was never able to pay the penalty of his sin.

c. Christ's death proclaims to all the amazing fact of the astonishing love of the Trinity for totally undeserving sinners, and causes us to marvel at their total sacrificial love and dedicated goodness.

d. Christ's death makes it possible for all who repent of their sins, and believe that He is the promised redeeming Lord, and accept His atonement for sin on their behalf, to be forgiven their sins. The sinner could be forgiven without the Law be flouted, and God could be just and yet justify the sinner who believed in Jesus. Rom.3v26. Since the LIFE of the Creator had been given for the LIVES of His creatures, the majesty of the Law had been magnified and established FOR EVER, and all hope of breaking it had been taken away. The way of faith does not make the law void, it establishes the Law. Rom.3v31.

2. Justification By Faith. Rom.4v1-8.

Just as a criminal who has "done his time," is no longer a criminal, but "justified," and legally untouchable; so in the New Testament, "justification," does not mean that the redeemed sinner has a good character, but that they are free from condemnation under the Law. Christians, like any person who is found guilty in a court of Law, can walk out free because someone else has paid the fine and debt to the Law. The Law "owed" justification to Christ Jesus, and pronounced Him "righteous" and "justified," because He had not transgressed the Law; but David was pronounced justified after committing the atrocious crimes of adultery, murder, lying and deception. Rom.4v6-8. Abraham was justified because he believed the promise that God gave to him of being the father of a family that was to be like the stars of heaven in number. Gen.15v1-6. 17v4,15-19. 18v1-15. with Rom.4v3-5. Both David and Abraham were allowed a walk with God on the basis of their faith and the future atonement of Jesus; they did not deserve to be justified, but found it given them as an act of grace. Grace, grace, grace. Zech.4v7. However, Christ's future atonement did not deliver the Old Testament saints from Hades, when they died they had to go to Hades to await Christ's atonement, at which time He took them out of Hades into the kingdom of Heaven. Lk.9v31. "Exodus." Eph.4v8. Heb.2v15. This resulted in the Old Testament saints being in bondage through fear of death, and so they dreaded dying. Job.10v20-22. In Gen.37v35. 42v38. 44v29., "grave," is "Sheol." Is.38v1-3. Hezekiah Heb.2v15.

3. Justification By Faith is Independent of Any Preceding Moral Action. Rom.4v9-12.

Jews and Gentiles were on an equality with each other when it came to justification by faith, for Abraham was justified before circumcision, which was only an outward sign of the righteousness he already possessed through faith. Gen.15v6. 17v10. So, also, water baptism does not regenerate, but is an outward sign of regeneration by faith. The Jew was justified, not by the Law of Moses," but "by the faith of Abraham." Gal.3v10-12. 2v16.

4. The Security of Justification. Rom.4v13-16.

Only through the Divine provision of mercy being received by faith could the promise be secure, for if it depended upon perfect Law keeping, it could at any moment be lost forever by sinning. So we see the perfection of the divine plan of redemption, for by it mercy is available, not only to the sinner, but also to the broken and needy and sinning saint. This mercy is completely "legal," because of the atonement of our Lord Jesus, and the love of God our Father.

5. The Test of Faith. Rom.4v17-22.

Our Faith is tested by God, and is given sufficient strength to stand the test. Abraham and Sarah were visited by the Lord and angels, in order to strengthen their faith and overcome their unbelief and failure in the past. Gen.17v18. 18v12-15. See Rom.4v20., "was strengthened in faith:" Abraham's faith was strengthened by these visits, and the unveiling of the Divine presence and purposes. It seems that an increase of faith is always due to something that God does; either through the deposit of a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the soul and spirit, or through an open revelation of the Divine person and presence, or through angelic revelation, or through some other act and manifestation of Divine power. These divine encouragements transforms our faith to a living faith. James.2v21-26. This is a great consolation and leads to peaceful trust in God, instead of fretful striving. Let us cling fast to our heavenly Father's unveiling of His presence and purposes, and thank God for His angels, and cherish their help, and even more the Lord who sends them.

6. The Justification of the Christian. Rom.4v23 to 5v2.

Paul states that we can have righteousness imputed to us if we believe in God the Father and His great grace. Rom.4v24. We receive not only peace with God through our Lord Jesus, but access by faith into this grace wherein we stand. Paul bursts into a theological poem of praise and highest commendation on the love of God, who gave His Son to die for sinners, and who will withhold nothing from His children. The amazing love of God that saves His enemies, at immeasurable cost to Himself, and then goes on to spend eternity keeping them in safety and happiness. Rom.5v3-11. John.3v16.

7. The Contrast Between Adam and Christ in Their Effect Upon Humanity. Rom.5v12-21.

Some interpret these verses in Romans to mean that men are forced into sin, and they cannot help sinning, because of the sin of Adam. Those who insist that these verses teach that all mankind is forced into evil by Adam's sin, must accept that this would make these verses teach ultimate reconciliation for all mankind. The key verses are verses 17,18, and 19; Adam's sin did not force men to be sinners, no more than Christ's atonement forces men to be justified; in both cases the free will of man is the determining factor. Rom.5v12,17. The result of following Adam is spiritual death, the result of following Christ is justification and spiritual life. Is.53v6.

Paul compares the severity of God in condemning Adam after one sin, with God's mercy to the Christian after a multitude of sins. Rom.5v16. James.5v19,20. Adam's first sin, the first step away from God, was the beginning of many steps away from God. God dealt immediately with Adam's sin, both for Adam's and the Creation's sake, lest he continued to live for ever by partaking continually of the tree of life. Notice the kind and gentle attempts to make Adam and Eve confess their sin, and the thoughtful provision of God, even after their rebellion. The physical death which fell upon the human race after Adam's sin, is not the result of any person's sin, for children still die who have not sinned, Rom.5v14., physical death is the result of the withdrawal of the tree of life. Had not this been done, Adam would have lived forever in sin. Gen.3v22-24.

8. The Role of the Law. Rom.5v20. God gave His Law through Moses, not as a means of justification, but to produce conviction of sin and a realisation that without God's mercy there was no hope of salvation, it was intended to produce a willingness to repent and accept forgiveness and mercy by faith. Gal.3v19-24.

9. The Abundance of Grace.
The abundance of grace has more than restored what mankind has lost by sin; by God's great grace, even sin has been turned to man's advantage; God has managed to bring something lovely out of man's sinfulness, sinners have become sons of God, and joint heirs with Christ Jesus. Rom.8v14-17. However, this does no mean that we are to sin that grace may abound, indeed we are to avoid sin, for sin is a killer and it works eternal death. Rom.6v1,2. If sin is persisted in, it hardens the heart beyond any hope of repentance. Rom.8v6,13. Heb.6v1-8. 10v26.


1. Sin is a Killer. Rom.6v1-12. The abundance of grace that comes to us through the death of the Lord Jesus, is not intended to enable us to sin without fear of the consequences, it is intended to make us frightened of ever sinning again. Sin is always a killer and demands its wages. Rom.8v13. 6v23. We had sold ourselves under sin, Rom.7v14. Is.50v1. 52v3., and baptism in water shows us in a picture that Christ had to pay these wages of sin and die and be buried before we could be redeemed. Sin the killer, will always be a killer, and will never give life. If we are to live, we must be set free from sin. By walking in the Spirit with the risen Lord, the Law of the Spirit and life will operate and the Christian can walk in victory over the desires of the flesh. Christ, in this way, sets His brethren free from the power of sin in the flesh, and they are no longer under the old compulsion to sin. Gal.5v16. Rom.8v1-4.

2. Sin Must Therefore Be Resisted. Rom.6v12-23.
Christ's redeeming death has set us free and broken sin's dominion over us, but it is up to us to take full advantage of this freedom and no longer allow sin to master the soul again. If we fail to do this and again become a slave to sin, we will come to the same end as before, spiritual death and shame, and a fearful waiting for judgement. Heb.10v26-30. 2Pet.2v19-22. The advantage of Grace over Law is, not that it enables us to live in sin without paying the penalty, but that it enables us to live in communion with Christ and serve Him, because He has broken the grip which sin had upon us, by paying its wages, and by giving us life in our spirits. Christian freedom does not allow us to break God's Law with impunity, nor does it give us the liberty to sin without reaping the penalty of our sin. Christ gives us freedom from the old thraldom and bondage to sin, and gives us the ability to keep the moral Law of God. Rom.8v4.

3. The Two Husbands. Rev.7v1-6.
When the soul yields to the allurements of the flesh, it finds, too late, that it has married a tyrannous husband from whom there is no escape. The children of this marriage result in a series of actions which plunge the soul into death. It was only when the death of Christ's body paid the penalty for our deeds, and was counted as the death of our bodies and souls, was the soul free to contract another marriage, this time with Christ our spirits. The children of this marriage are acts of faith pleasing to God, which elevate the soul to the kingdom of God.

4. Paul's Description of His Marriages to the Flesh and the Spirit. Rom.7v7 to 8v4. Paul gives a description of His souls first wooing, and the unhappy marriage to the flesh that followed; and then goes on to describe his marvellous rescue by Jesus, and his happy second marriage to the spirit. Paul pictures himself as a young ignorant girl, with two suitors for her hand in marriage, then she realises that one of the suitors is good and the other bad. The foolish girl yields to the deceptive promises of the alluring bad suitor and marries him. Too late she realises she has made a ghastly mistake, and has been trapped into an appalling marriage, she is now forced against her will to share the life of her husband, whose power and domination she can not break. Her will is free, but alas, not her actions. Then the good suitor, who she had previously rejected in favour of the bad suitor, much to her great delight comes again, and he slays the evil suitor, who became the first husband, and he is now free to marry her whom he had always loved. Now her actions as well as her will is free, under the Law of the Spirit and life in Christ, so she never need again live the old life of sin and shame, but can live a life which is pleasing to her new spouse.

5. Fleshly and Spiritual Life Contrasted. Rom.8v5-13. The vital importance of the New Birth of the person's own spirit is stressed, for without this spiritual rebirth, the soul is dead to God; but though dead to God, the spirit is not annihilated, and is dominated by, and capable of, contacting other evil spirits. Eph.2v1-10. The spirit is quickened at the New Birth, and is said to be "born again." Eph.2v1. Jn.3v3,7,8. It is the obedient Holy Spirit led believers who are the true sons of God. Rom.8v14.

If the spirit is dead, that is, cut off from God, the soul is cut off to all but earthly, worldly and fleshly thoughts and desires, and looks upon this material world as the only reality, for the natural man is unable to perceive the things of the Spirit of God. 1Cor.2v14. In such a condition the flesh dominated soul cannot obey a God of whose existence it has no experience, and cannot please Him, in whom it has no faith. Such a person lives in bondage to their desires, being controlled by them. The revelation of God in Creation has been "held down," by the majority of mankind, to enable them to continue in sin. Faith in God is, therefore, resisted in spite of all the evidence of His reality in Creation, or by His miraculous acts.

The New Birth, however, opens up such a new world, that the old dead experience gives place to a peaceful and hopeful life, which effects even the mortal body with its vitality, the Spirit quickens our mortal body. Rom.8v11. The Christian has to live in all the new truths revealed to him by the Spirit, and only so will he be able to put off the old life, and put an end to its old way of living. Any Christian who reverts to their old way of living, will again begin to die, and finally will end up with a dead spirit again.


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